Taking the stress off
Failing to plan properly for your retirement can lead to constant financial worry and stress for you and your loved ones during the later stages in life.
But taking a little time now to plan for your financial future can ensure you are financially secure, free from money worries, and in a position to really make the most of your well-deserved retirement.
Although we can’t guarantee to perform miracles with your current pension arrangements, we can certainly offer you the benefit of our professional experience and expertise in this field and help you plan for the most financially secure future possible.

Clearly guiding you through the options open to you
New pension freedoms, auto-enroll employee's schemes, pension drawdown, changes to state pension provision – planning for your future can seem incredibly confusing and all those pension schemes, rules and regulations seem to change constantly. It can all seem like far too much hard work.
Professional unbiased advice on planning your retirement
Choosing a financial adviser to help you successfully plan for your retirement is an important decision. You need to be able to trust their advice and information to be accurate and completely independent. You need to know that the retirement plans they propose are working in your interests alone.
The team members at Barretts Financial Solutions are all professional fully qualified chartered financial advisors. Working to the strict guidelines of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), you can have confidence that our pension advice is informed, independent and unbiased.

Are you ready to plan ahead?
We are here to provide bespoke solutions and help you secure a prosperous future.